Simple Method to Open Third Eye - 3rd set

3rd eye - 3rd set

A word of caution. Opening the third eye is working on the upper dantian and meant for advanced practitioners. If your lower and middle dantians are weak do not attempt these exercises.

Please find out more about the third eye before you practise this method, in case you're not ready for it.
From China's Qigong Master Chen Linfeng.
3rd set
1. Stand relaxed facing the sun (Do not look directly at the sun with your naked eyes). See pic.
2. Use your Yi to bring the sun's energy into Weizhong (third eye).
3. Use your Yi to send your energy from the Laogung points of the palms and from the Yongquan points of your feet out to the sun.
This is one cycle. Do 108 cycles.
4. Use your Yi to bring the sun's energy into Yongquan points of your feet.
5. Use your Yi to send your energy from Weizhong (third eye) out to the sun.
This is one cycle. Do 49 cycles.
Happy practising!


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