Self Purging - QiGong

 If you have pain or numbness or an uncomfortable tingling in your shoulder, forearm, hand, or fingers, you can try out this protocol.

It's very effective too for massage/tuina therapists who will have inadvertently absorbed the toxic energy of their clients.
And especially for Clinical Medical Qigong therapists as it's common to get contaminated by the patient's energy. In the least serious scenario, you'll feel a dull pain at the shoulder joint. At the most serious you may lay down, completely exhausted.
Even if you are healthy, practising this daily for 5-10 mins will purge out your old and stagnant energy and replaced by fresh energy from the earth. Your Baihui if open, will naturally draw in universal energy.
i. Stand relaxed with distance between the heels about half or two third the distance between your shoulders.
ii. Let your hands down at the sides, with palm facing the thigh.
iii. Straighten the fingers (with space in between) relaxed and pointed at the ground. Make sure they are not pointed at your feet!
iv. Open your armpits and sink your shoulders. Relax the entire hand, right down to the fingers.
v. Slowly exhale (breathing is all by nose) and sink your qi down from the shoulders to the hand and exit the tips of the fingers deep into the ground.
vi. Visualise beams of light shooting from your fingers deep into the earth.
vii. If you can, visualise your palms entering the earth and feeling the coolness of it.
Each session can be 5/10/15 mins or longer. It's entirely up to you. For qi therapists who have treated cancer patients, it's advisable to practise for a longer session.
After the session you'll feel your shoulders and hands to be lighter and very comfortable.


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