Cultivating Energy (Qi) at the Lower Dantian

 i. Sit in meditation mode with your hands in your favourite posture. For me, I prefer the Apana mudra.

Be completely relaxed in mind and body and breathe naturally.
ii. Look inwards and visualise an egg sized ball/sphere which is golden yellow and it's burning and glowing in your lower dantian.
iii. Slowly inhale and visualise the ball enlarging.
Slowly exhale and visualise the ball contracting.
FEEL the hot golden yellow qi ball.
iv. Each session may be 15-30 mins.
Practise every day, preferably twice a day.
Over time, you'll feel a ball of warmth (later turning to heat) in the lower dantian.

Enhancing the Cultivation of Energy in the Lower Dantian
i. Sit in meditation mode with your hands in your favourite posture.
ii. Be completely relaxed in mind and body.
iii. Natural breathing. Rotate/spin the glowing (or burning) golden yellow sphere in your ldt anticlockwise from a small circle to a big circle and then back to a small circle (still anticlockwise).
Repeat for as long as you want i.e. 5/10/15/20 mins or even 30 mins per session.

Happy practising!


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